GAS Banks
A centralized storage with multiple cylinders is created within the housing complex which is the source of supply of LPG. The cylinders are connected to a MANIFOLD which consists of two arms. Equal numbers of cylinders are connected to both the arms. The manifold arm connected to cylinders from which LPG is supplied is known as the "active bank:" and the other arm connected to the cylinders is known as the "standby bank."
When the LPG gets exhausted in the active bank, the AUTO-CHANGEOVER REGULATOR switches the supply of LPG from the active bank to the standby bank. While the LPG supply from the standby bank continues, the gas company replaces the empty cylinders with LPG-filled cylinders. This cycle continues regularly to ensure that the users receive uninterrupted supply of gas.
The LPG travels through a network of pipelines and safety gadgets before entering the kitchen. A gas meter is installed in a suitable position (inside or at the entry point of the kitchen) that records the usage of the LPG as it passes through it. As in the case of water and electricity, an authorized representative of the gas company takes the meter reading periodically and the user is sent a monthly/bi-monthly bill according to the gas consumption and the prevalent gas rates (Gas unit rates are the same as that of gas in cylinders)
Material of Construction and Components used in the Manifold:
a) The manifold is made out of Schedule-40, CS Seamless hot-finished pipes conforming to ASTM A-106 Grade 'B'. The MECV (left hand thread manifold nipples) made out of forged steel, are welded to the main header pipe for connecting manifold accessories. The inter distance of the MECV Nipples varies from 9" to 17" depending upon the cylinder size and available space. Cylinders may be arranged in standard/staggered manner on one horizontal plane or in two tiers.
b) Non-Return Valves are used at all entries of the manifold. The NRV is made out of forged brass. The role of an NRV is to restrict the reverse flow of LPG from the manifold. Thus in case of a hose getting ruptured (connected between the NRV and Cylinder Adapter) excessive LPG leakage will be avoided.
c) Heavy-duty steel re-inforced, made out of Nitrile rubber (chemically resistant to LPG) Pigtails (approved from Oil Companies) are used for connecting cylinders to the Manifold.
d) Excess Flow Check Valves are used to automatically stop the excessive flow (above designed and set flow rate) of LPG at the downstream of the manifold due to any reason (malfunctioning of Auto-changeover regulator, OPSO Valve or rupture of pipelines). The EFCV is made out of brass with pre-defined helical spring and disc inside the valve. The EFCVs are approved from Chief Controller of Explosives and certified by a third party approved competent agency.
e) Antistatic Fire Safe designed API approved CS Isolation Ball Valves with all internals in SS-304 of suitable pressure rating are fitted at the ends of the manifold. These valves are normally in open condition and quick shut off type with very low torque. In case of any emergency or repair/maintenance of the system valves can be easily closed to disconnect the supply of LPG downstream of the manifold